Are you planning your vacation in Germany ?
Are you going to visit Hamburg ?
What about the famous german AUTOBAHN ?
Choose the passenger seat between two fully restored Mercedes-Benz classic cars and enjoy a ride without any speed limits.
total price per trip 480 EUR
vmax = 231 km/h (144 mph)
performance = 193 PS (HP)
up to 1 passenger
total price per trip 540 EUR
vmax = 245 km/h (153 mph)
performance = 218 PS (HP)
up to 3 passengers
Please contact us by Email or use our contact form before your trip begins and we will find a suitable date and time.
I will pick you an other guests up (depending on the vehicle) directly from your accommodation in Hamburg.
We will start through the city center heading northwest until we reach the german AUTOBAHN A7 and A23.
After a while we reach the area of the A23 without speed limits. We will slowly increase the speed and (depending on traffic conditions) even reach maximum speed.
As soon as the turning point is reached, we take a short break and head back towards your accomodation in Hamburg. From the first speed limits we will drive back real smooth to cool down the engine.
Please note:
Your safety is important to us. If the weather conditions (heavy rain, fog, icy roads, snow) do not permit maximum speed travel, these taxi trips will not be carried out.
... see you soon in Hamburg (Germany, Europe)
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